5 Ways to De-Stress

The basic emotion behind stress is fear.   We fear a lack of time, of inadequacy, of financial consequences. We fear, then we stress, and we repeat the cycle - often. So often, you may be looking now for ways to calm your life, to destress. The first step of course, is getting to the bottom of what you fear, and remembering it’s all going to be ok.   And Skinny Up!® is here to remind you, we’re on your team, you have nothing to fear - we’ll be here cheering you on during the process and in life. Even if you aren’t currently going through the protocol, why not explore a few ways to immediately destress:  

#1 Write it all out (brain dump style)

When it’s floating around in our minds, it’s easy to feel bogged down. Take five or ten minutes of your day to write out all you have to do, all you’re thinking, and use this list to narrow down what you can handle today. When it’s on paper, you don’t have to worry about it, and you can get a better picture of how to map out your weekly and daily tasks.  

#2 Practice an am/pm routine

Another way to cut down on stress is to set a routine. This doesn’t have to be extensive, it can include a few set activities each morning or evening. You won’t have to think about it after a while as your day will become a habit. You’ll be mentally prepped for the day or to go to bed, depending on the routine.  

#3 Develop a meal plan

Are you noticing a theme? Planning out your meals will not only support you in feeling free to make excellent food decisions but you’ll feel so much less stressed about having to throw something together last minute. If you’re going through the Skinny Up!® Protocol, pick a few types of meat, veggies, fruits to alternate between throughout the week. It makes meal planning simple and only takes an hour or so of your time.  

#4 Add in a “you” activity daily

To weave into your am/pm or to take time at some point during the day. What brings you joy? What have you not done in a while? Maybe, at first, you are setting aside time (say an hour) where you get to choose the activity. This could be a bath, a hobby, or even a nap. Whatever it is, you deserve it! Begin adding in “you” activities and see how your stress fades away.  

#5 Ask for help/ have a support system

Ever take so much on without allowing others to step in and “lighten the load”? It’s great to be productive AND it’s great to have a team of support. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone, so why not reach out to someone today and spread out your to-do list. Trust us, people who care are willing to help, it’s only a matter of asking.  


“If you’re looking for a product to support the process of de-stressing your life, check out Skinny Up!® Reduce, specifically designed to destress the body. It’s the original flagship product created for weight loss support and detoxification. It works with the brain’s chemistry not to overpower the natural intelligence of the brain but to augment and influence through subtle herbal and specific natural vitamin/mineral complexes.   In fact, Skinny Up!® Reduce influences your brain through proper B-vitamin supplementation, unique pure liquid amino acid absorption, and beginning detoxification pathway processes reassuring the body that it’s OK. Tell your brain that it doesn’t need to save fat for famine or to consume visceral fat quickly at a rate of 2,000 to 4,000 calories each day."

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