Spring Cleaning
Fresh. Awake. Alive. Viable. New. Exhilarated. Rejuvenated. I don’t know about you, but these words inspire feeling within me. After winter, I’m drawn to newness, rejuvenation, vitality. I’m ready to trade in the dark and motionless in my life for the movement and freedom of spring. I’ve always been one to workout and eat somewhat healthy. Though I haven’t attempted a detox in awhile. And this is extremely important because without deep cleaning my systems, I would be trying to build something beautiful on top of a messy, faulty foundation. In fact, deep cleansing is something we should all practice. This is due to the toxic build up any of us will experience with our Standard American Diets. And if your diet is more restrictive, I’m sure you’ve had at least one round of antibiotics in your lifetime. This is another way toxicity builds in our systems. According to the Huffington Post, “Conventional medicine does not acknowledge toxicity as an important health issue, but numerous studies have shown this to be the underlying cause of many chronic symptoms experienced today, including the rising rates of cancer over the past two decades.” The decision for detox was easy. Why not enter the Spring season with a fresh outlook? Why not refresh my body, mind, and soul? Fortunately, I began working with Skinny Up!® recently and their entire product is designed around weight loss and detox. Everything was allinging. I could not wait to begin! As the excitement of the kickstart of the Skinny Up!® protocol set in, I began visualizing what this would look like. Other areas of my life needing a bit of spring cleaning came to mind. I knew I’d have extra time to focus on projects (as the protocol suggests no vigorous exercise, and as the meal plan is so simple my mind is freed up to be productive in other areas) I thought it’d be fun, beneficial and refreshing to pair each protocol Reduce Phase week with other types of Spring cleaning. Below I’ve detailed my thought process and plan of action for life-sized Spring cleaning these next few weeks. Yay, detox! Step One: Evaluate, analyze. Ask questions: the first thing I did was put my thoughts on paper. I captured all the questions arising to make sure I would be maximizing this cleanse. Some of the questions I asked myself:
What else in my life needs cleaning? What is in the way? What has me feeling disconnected? What have I hidden away in the closet (literally and metaphorically)? Evaluating what is working and not working will always be my first step before springing into action. I may be experiencing symptoms of what is not working in my life - feeling physically heavy and depressed for example - and until I pause to evaluate where the symptom originates, I will continue to treat the symptom instead of the actual issue. Step Two: List out other areas of my life to cleanse. Physical: Clean house, Clean car, Pay debts: I’m already cleaning out my body, why not explore all the other physical spaces needing attention? It’s amazing how our spaces can affect our mood and life satisfaction. Huffington Post reminds us again why detoxing our physical spaces is important. “Endocrine disruptors are chemicals found in plastics, cosmetics, synthetic hormones injected into factory farm animals, as well as pesticides, which when consumed, mimic hormones that disrupt endocrine function in the body.” I knew I didn’t want to reverse the work I was doing via SkinnyUp! by keeping myself in a toxic environment. Emotional: Clean relationships: our physical spaces affect our emotional spaces and vice versa. Psychology Today suggests, “the mind and body are deeply connected, so your state of mind can have a profound effect on your heart and overall health. Therefore, emotional detoxing is just as important as physical detoxing for optimum health,” A few quick tips on where to start: Be Aware of Your Emotions - ask questions, observe when you feel certain feelings. Get to the Root of Your Feelings - is disconnection with a friend or family member causing dissention? What seems to be the cause of the emotion? Don’t be Afraid to Ask For Help - we aren’t meant to live as islands. We are all connected just as our body, mind, and soul are connected. Someone else may have the empathy to understand what you’re experiencing - the conversation is worth it! With this detox process outline, I could continue to list out other areas of my life I wanted to cleanse, though the Reduce Phase can be quick and this seemed the appropriate amount of Spring cleaning. Step Three: Beginning Clearing to Rebuild foundation (plan of implementation) Mind & Body Cleanse: Skinny Up!® Protocol (23-40 days). This will set my timeline for all other cleaning projects. I plan to follow the three-week protocol, though I may enjoy it so much I continue for the full 40 day option!
Week One: Clean car - because, the sun is shining and who wants to drive around in a dirty vehicle? Week Two: Clear out emotional baggage. This will involve reflection and evaluation. If I notice any certain relationship needing an honest conversation, I’ll make phone calls and write letters this week to clear and mend these relationships. Week three: Clear out what is unused, simplify & buy new clothes! This maybe the most exciting project as I’m celebrating the clearing out of toxins and weight by getting rid of what no longer fits. And, if I continue the protocol for 40 days, I will add two more weeks of cleanse items and hold off on revamping the wardrobe. (Really, my body will continue to resize during the Retrain Phase, so I could celebrate now with inexpensive clothing choices knowing I’ll get to enjoy a shopping spree post Retrain as well!) I’m thrilled daydreaming about the vitality I will feel in all areas of my life post detox! By clearing out completely, I will lay the perfect foundation for the next phase of the Skinny Up!® Protocol, Retrain, where I will teach my body my new, healthy normal. Without detoxing I wouldn’t be able to celebrate the relief and release of finally letting go of what has no place in my life. Hallelujah for new beginnings! What about you? Are you ready for a cleanse? Why not tackle mind, body, spirit simultaneously?! Stick around to see the results of my cleanse as I’ll be sharing them openly. Give us a call or shop on our website to begin - I can’t wait to hear from you! 970.541.2793. www.skinnyup.com