February 21, 2019
The Dangers of Snacking
The Dangers of Snacking
Snacking, eating on the go, munching… why do we do it? As a culture, we seem to have lost the ability to sit, enjoy, and rest when it comes to eating a meal. There is so much more to food than just its utility and when we are constantly eating, we’re not truly allowing our bodies to digest. Because of this, we don’t receive the full benefit of our foods.
- It messes with your blood sugar levels. So often, people snack because they’re feeling shaky. They say that they need to snack because otherwise their blood sugar levels will crash and they’ll get dizzy. Friends… your blood sugar is crashing because of the food you’re eating, not the timing of when you eat your food. These crashes happen because the body has consumed carbohydrates which caused your blood sugar to spike, and then crash. By constantly snacking, especially upon sugar and carbohydrate rich foods, you are simply keeping your blood sugar at a racing pace. Change the foods and you’ll find that these spikes and crashed stop happening.
- Your body is not able to truly digest your food. Only when your body is in a state of being stress free will your body be able to digest properly; breaking your food down completely so that you get the benefit of every nutrient locked in there. When we snack, our bodies are constantly working on the surface level, not being able to go deep and truly break things down.
- Snacking takes away from the beauty of mealtimes. For the bulk of human history, a shared meal is an experience of significance. It is good for the soul to wait on one another to eat and then consume food over enriching conversation. Or if eating alone, let it be significant still with self-reflection or lifegiving music. Bring back the beauty to meals.
If those are your reasons, it is important that we remind you that you are in charge of your body. You get to say yes or no to habits, even when they’re really difficult to break.
If snacking is your thing, here are a few ways to help break that habit:- Eat well. By eating good and nutritious food, you will even out your blood sugar levels and give your body the things that it needs… meaning it will stop asking you for food.
- Eliminate yeast. The bulk of our cravings come from candida yeast overgrowth that begins in the gut and spreads throughout the body from there. The easiest way to do this is with Skinny Up! Yeast Redux.
- Drink more water. Often, we experience hunger when our bodies are actually thirsty. Drink more water so that when you experience hunger, you can be assured that it is really hunger you’re feeling.
- Quit snacking. Just go for it. Skinny Up!® will be the easiest way to get this done. By utilizing the Skinny Up!® Reduce weight loss drops, your body will be supported and put at ease which enables you to fast intermittently with no added stress to the body.
- Get a fidget spinner. If you’re a person that is snacking in order to stay focused, a fidget spinner might surprisingly help you in a healthier way. Instead of filling your body with unneeded foods, you can just keep your mind busy. Try this one!