April 26, 2016
11 Things to Tell Yourself When Trying to Lose Weight
Losing weight can be hard work. Here are 11 things to tell yourself when you are working on changing your body:
- I am worth it. The time, energy, money, and effort… I’m worth it all.
- I am educated. I took the time to figure out the best way for my body to lose weight, and I know what it takes to get it done.
- I am strong. Sometimes I have to look ice cream in the face and tell it, “No.” But I can. I am strong.
- I am in control. Things don’t randomly show up in my hand headed towards my mouth. I don’t eat things without knowing it. I am in control of what I eat and I know that my decisions are good and worth it.
- I am empowered. Knowledge is power, and I know what I’m doing. I am following a specific protocol. This is not guess work. I am reaching goals and attaining new levels of health and fitness.
- I am working on my health. My health is worth it and I am doing what it takes to be completely healthy. I am not simply getting rid of symptoms; instead I am addressing the underlying cause of my symptoms by cleansing myself from the inside out.
- I am disciplined. I can say no to cookies. No, cookie. Not today.
My goals are attainable. I know what I need to do to reach my goals and I’m prepared to do what it takes. I can work hard and be the best I can be.
- I can be whatever size I want. I recognize that every body shape and size is beautiful, but I also recognize that if I want to be a different shape or size than I currently am, that is okay.
- I am taking time on me so that I’m better able to take time on others. I know that I will be able to invest in others better if I am at my best. Being energized and healthy enables me to bless those who are around me.
- I love and accept myself, and I am proud of my progress. I rock.
You can reach your goals. You are worth it. We are proud of you!