April 26, 2016
Skinny Up! Yeast Redux Isn’t Just About Accelerating Weight Loss
Hello there! I’ve been asked to share a bit of testimony about my experience with Skinny Up!® Yeast Redux. I started taking Skinny Up!® Yeast Redux back in early December 2015. I wasn’t doing a diet protocol; didn’t really have weight to lose, but just wanted to see if it would help reduce any cravings for starches and sugars, and to see what it might do for my overall health. I am 50 years old and maintain a daily regimen of a fairly intense modified yoga/strength building routine. By early December, I had reached some levels of strength and flexibility that were personal bests for me. That’s pretty exciting for a 50-year old. I’ve been active my entire life, but how fun to actually be my strongest yet!
In mid-December, I was working with a horse up in the mountains a few miles from my horse trailer. It was one of those beautiful days in December with unseasonably warm weather. Things were going really well right up until a ranger’s truck came out of nowhere from the mountain behind me and startled my horse at just the moment I had ahold of nothing. I came off hard and broke a couple ribs, pulled ribs off the cartilage, bruised my liver…and really hurt my pride! The other guy I was riding with caught my horse, but I didn’t have enough strength in my right arm/entire side to get up on my horse. I ended up walking in that pain back to the trailer. It took six weeks of healing before I could exercise again. My big worry was that I would have lost many of the gains I had made in strength and flexibility in my workout routine. But here’s the glorious “rest of the story”: I actually lost almost no strength in that entire six weeks. My stamina wasn’t diminished at all. I had been taking Skinny Up!® Yeast Redux the entire period of time. That is really the only thing I can contribute my miracle to. I recently visited with a man who is a faithful runner. He started using Skinny Up!® Yeast Redux for reasons similar to me. Basically, he wanted to see what it might do for his overall health. After three months I asked him if he could see a real difference. This is a man who is very careful about how he eats and rarely ever consumes any preservatives or sugars. He lives in the throes of great
health most of his days. I really didn’t expect to hear crazy results from him. But he actually reported a story similar to mine. He had been going through some seriously consuming life issues, and had been traveling lots for work; all of which made him unable to get in his running routines for almost a month and a half. When he finally got his running shoes back on and did his first five miles after that long dry spell, he was completely surprised to be able to run his fastest pace. The difference: He had been taking Skinny Up!® Yeast Redux the entire time. Those are two stories of people who took Skinny Up!® Yeast Redux while healthy (except for the broken stuff on me!) and had unexpected vitality-boosting results. I’ve heard many, many stories of people with serious health conditions who took and/or are taking Skinny Up!® Yeast Redux. Besides boosting their weight loss efforts, these people report reduction or elimination of pain in their guts, pain in their joints, brain fog, and boosts in their overall energy levels. Skinny Up! Yeast Redux takes whatever level of health you are at, and boosts it.* When you take Skinny Up!® Yeast Redux, please contact the folks at Skinny Up!® and share your “Rest of the Story”!! Our candida cleanse is here and ready to help you turn your life around!